由其创始人设想为一所音乐和艺术丰富的学校, 贴近纽约市的文化优势,体现“进步”的教育理念和方法, 博彩网址大全学校于1904年在荆棘崖庄园成立, 纽约 by Mary Alice Knox. 该学院在随后的四个地点蓬勃发展, survived a devastating fire, 并将学校的名字从博彩网址大全小姐女子学校改为博彩网址大全学校.
Currently situated on Long Island’s North Shore, 美丽而宁静的博彩网址大全校园坐落在长岛湾和石溪港之间的一个小半岛上, and offers expansive waterfront views. Although continually evolving, 博彩网址大全保留了许多悠久的传统,仍然受到其创始人愿景的影响. 今天, it is a co-educational boarding and day school for students in grades six through postgraduate, 在那里,严谨的学术与运动和艺术追求相结合,为青年男女进入一流的学院和大学做准备.
To learn more about some of our most prized traditions at Knox, please click 在这里.
Unlocking Student Potential Since 1904
Mary Alice Knox was born in 1851 into a prominent family of theologians and missionaries. 1887年至1895年,她在韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)教授历史,1897年至1901年担任艾玛·威拉德学校(Emma Willard School)校长,1904年创办了自己的女子学校. 她发展了许多教育理念,这些理念影响了她1911-1912年创办女子学校的愿景. 博彩网址大全小姐打算办一所音乐和艺术丰富的学校, close to 纽约 City, 并体现了她在艾玛·威拉德学校的工作特点,即进步的教育思想和方法.
不幸的是,她在博彩网址大全的任期很短. One Saturday afternoon in 1911, while returning from a matinee performance at the Metropolitan Opera with students and faculty, 一场火车事故使她的几个学生丧生. Though unharmed herself, 这对玛丽·爱丽丝来说似乎太震惊了, and her passing followed soon t在这里after. Her tragic loss threw the school into a state of shock; but fortunately, 路易丝·菲利普斯立即担任了领导职务, 他的兄弟, 弗兰克·菲利普斯, was one of the trustee-owners. 菲利普·埃克塞特学院创始人的远房亲戚,1891年毕业于史密斯学院, 夫人. Houghton had been a private school teacher since the death of her husband in 1905. She was, t在这里fore, prepared to assume the responsibilities of her new role as Principal.
1911年的秋天,博彩网址大全小姐女子学校开始了一个新的时代,这所学校后来被简单地称为博彩网址大全学校. The new principal, 夫人. Houghton proved to be an able and dynamic leader. Towering in stature, 影响力和个性——据报道,多年后,她被一位校友形容为“维多利亚女王和上帝的结合体”!“博彩网址大全小姐以热情和善解人意而著称. 霍顿(她是一位敏锐的知识分子和语言学家)把自己塑造成优雅端庄的学者形象. 相反,是她的助手玛丽·路易斯·班克罗夫特的友好. Another important presence at Knox, Bancroft小姐于1911年加入学校,担任副校长达37年之久, until she also assumed the mantle of Principal. 在一起, 这两位杰出的女性组成了一个令人印象深刻的团队,塑造了学院未来几年的发展方向.
夫人. Houghton’s first year at the helm held more than the usual number of challenges. On a cold day in February, 一名学生发现烟雾涌进了她的浴室(后来才知道火是从炉子里开始的,并蔓延到了墙壁里)。. The drama teacher, 那天晚上谁负责餐厅, 命令学生们收集他们能收集到的东西,然后撤离大楼. 几分钟后,他们难以置信地看着火焰蔓延开来,学校化为灰烬. Only essential records were saved, 还有一架大钢琴,从积雪覆盖的斜坡上滑下来,失去了琴腿. After the fire was extinguished, 夫人. 霍顿把女儿们叫到一起,含泪告诉她们应该转到道小姐学校去. This idea was unacceptable to the girls who passionately shouted with one voice, “No! We’ll have our school even if it is in a barn!” Shortly after, the School re-opened in Ossining, 纽约, on the grounds of the Kane Estate. The main building was small and cramped, 但学校幸存了下来,并准备好迎接它历史上的下一个重大事件——搬到一个新的地方.
1912 – 1920
1912年,博彩网址大全大胆地迈出了信心的一步,为那年秋天入学的42名女孩租了更大的宿舍. 新校园, located in Brookside Park in Tarrytown, 纽约, 是一棵蔓生的植物(它的建筑以玫瑰的名字命名),有足够的空间供学校发展吗, and grow it did for the next eight years. 世界受到第一次世界大战的影响, 尽管“博彩网址大全”肯定参与了战争, 每天的日程安排很少考虑到世界形势. Three times each day pupils lined up awaiting a faculty member to lead them to meals. Morning assembly was followed by classes at nine, a bread-and-milk snack at mid-morning, a chaperoned walk around the grounds, 体育运动, Senior Tea with 夫人. Houghton, supervised study hall, and an after-dinner songfest followed by early bedtime.
许多长期的传统是在这个时代建立起来的. As early as 1912, 夫人. 霍顿在大女孩和小女孩之间发起了一场比赛,大女孩被称为“玫瑰”,小女孩被称为“蓓蕾”.到1918年,教师们已经采用了“荆棘”的名字,他们的住所被称为“荆棘小屋”.1916年3月4日的一个健身房展览是“健身房之夜”的早期版本. However, it was in response to the hazing of new girls by the old that led 夫人. Houghton in 1918-19 to divide the school into two teams: the Roses and the Whites.
20世纪的第二个十年也见证了另一个博彩网址大全传统的诞生:年鉴, “玫瑰花瓣”; the first school ring; a riding program, Christmas and Easter Vespers; a baby costume party; a Lower School that enrolled girls as young as eight; a song contest, and of particular importance, composing of the Alma Mater with words by Hazel Patterson ’18 and music by faculty member, 宝琳班纳特. But to many girls, 最重要的是“绿色房间”, 因为所有重要的事件都在那里举行,比如约翰·D·路德·金的来访. 洛克菲勒和前总统威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱.
1920 – 1930
开幕, 10月4日, 1920年,博彩网址大全学校的36名教职员工和158名女孩对学校位于库珀斯敦奥特塞戈湖岸边的宏伟新家感到敬畏, 纽约. For the next thirty-four years, the Otesaga Hotel would be the School’s home from October through May of each year. 传统 were cherished in Cooperstown, 早上七点半在露天做健美操.m. were often a source of irritation for Knox girls. Yet, t在这里 was also a good deal of fun to be had and the run-on grace from 夫人. 霍顿的“上帝保佑这些食物供我们使用,为基督的仆人们提供可靠的服务”是晚餐时笑声的来源.
In the fall of 1921, a great cause for celebration was the marriage of Miss Bancroft to Alexander Stewart Phinney, a member of the Fenimore Cooper family. She was forty-one – short, chubby and pink cheeked – and he, 一个头发花白的小个子男人,比她大十五岁. 随着时间的推移,. 菲尼凭借自己的力量崭露头角. Houghton worked together to establish the Knox Athletic Association; a Christmas pageant in 1921; Winter Carnival in 1922; a Spanish Club and Scribblers in 1923; a French Club and the Senior Ship in 1925; and the Ring Ceremony in 1927. That year also brought a new face to the campus, 历史老师, 劳拉·伍德, 谁后来会追随她导师的脚步, 夫人. 霍顿和夫人. Phinney
1930 – 1954
大萧条和第二次世界大战对学校产生了影响, 但是校长和副校长迎接了来自外部世界的挑战. 然而,给我写信的世界名人名单令人印象深刻, 在, and performed at Knox, Eleanor Roosevelt being one of them. During this period, 300 Knox alumni were active in the war effort, students prepared for the Winter Carnival; performed in horse shows; enthusiastically sang class songs during the Lantern Parade; avidly competed in the yearly song contests that produced “Knox is Filled with Passing People”, written by Margaret Henderson in 1927 and the “Senior Spring Song” by Linda Mosher 1944. 高级Blazers于1931年首次穿着,并于1943年改为白色.
1933年,金色和红宝石的高级戒指被采用,玫瑰(1945年)和白色(1947年)的队歌成为永久歌曲. Suffering from failing health, 夫人. Houghton retired in 1948 with the title of Principal Emerita, turning the School over to 夫人. Phinney (.B. 史密斯,.M. 哥伦比亚). Over the next six years, 通往库珀斯敦的铁路服务停止,供暖成本上升, along with restrictions on the school year by the owners of the Otesaga Hotel, 造成财务报表, 埃塞尔Knipe, 说服夫人. Phinney and the Board of Trustees to find a permanent campus for 博彩网址大全学校. They moved to Nissequogue, Long Island, the highlight of 1954, the School’s 50th anniversary.
1954 – 1971
新校区占地60英亩,位于长岛久负盛名的北岸,被称为“三叶草之地”. The thirty-five room Georgian mansion modeled after Westover Plantation in Williamsburg, Virginia by the eminent architect, Archibald 棕色(的) was built from 1912-1918. The property includes a distinctive barn and riding facilities; access to horse riding trails and close proximity to 纽约 City. In a curious twist of fate, 夫人. Houghton’s funeral coincided with Opening Day for the new campus in the fall of 1954. Much had to be done to convert the estate into classrooms, dormitories and a gym, 但夫人. 现年75岁的菲尼发现自己的年龄并不是障碍.
尽管她的影响力在接下来的几年里一直持续着,但克林顿夫人. 菲尼准备在1958年退休,劳拉·路易斯·伍德小姐(A.B. 惠顿,.M. 雷德), a teacher at Knox from 1927 through 1944, 负责监督博彩网址大全的建设和项目. 伍德小姐的一系列成就令人印象深刻,其中包括在哈里·德·莱尔的指导下开发了一个骑马项目, who allowed the girls to ride his famed horse Snowman; installation of campus lighting, paving the roads and adapting the Cottage and Terrace to dormitory use; construction of a new gymnasium (Bancroft-Phinney Hall in 1963) and a faculty house (Knipe Cottage, 由夫人建造. Phinney in honor of 夫人. 刀(1966). Under Miss Wood’s watch, Knox continued to have the Houghton-Phinney stamp until 劳拉·伍德 retired in 1969.
The fifth principal of Knox was Miss M. Patricia Bayless (B.A. University of London), who had previously taught in New Zealand and Rhodesia. 她的方法与她的前任不同,但她对博彩网址大全的未来抱有很大的希望. Unprecedented events such as the war in Vietnam and social upheavals in the U.S. 使得许多独立学校校园里的气氛同样不稳定. Enrollment plummeted to an all-time low, 贝利斯于6月30日递交了辞呈,学校的前景一片黯淡, 1971年,只有17名学生在1971-1972学年重新入学.
1971 – 1975
1971年春天,当校董会把希望寄托在一个准备好迎接挑战的年轻人身上时,学校的生存受到了极大的质疑. Clifford Kapps Eriksen (B.A. William and Mary, M.A.L.S. Wesleyan) became Knox’s first Headmaster. 在新英格兰预科学校有超过25年的经验, 他和他的妻子埃尔莎给博彩网址大全带来了活力, commitment and vision. Mr. 埃里克森回到了博彩网址大全早年的结构和传统, 扩大了学术项目,恢复了60年代末被抛弃的传统. 除了, the lower school was reactivated and recruitment extended to the four corners of the globe; but in September of 1973, the most dramatic step was taken, six boys were admitted to the School. When the School opened for its 75th year in 1978, enrollment had risen to over 140 students with an equal number of boys and girls. 1978年春天,在伍德小姐与博彩网址大全合作50周年之际,她获得了特别的认可, 但夫人. 菲尼没能活着看到学校完全恢复. 1975年,她以95岁高龄去世,一个时代就此结束, and strangely enough, 她的葬礼, 喜欢夫人. 霍顿21年前是在开幕日.
1975 – 1994
1975年5月,在库珀斯敦举行了钻石周年纪念聚会, and in the years that followed, 学院进入了前所未有的发展时期. 与什罗普郡贝德斯通学院交换项目, 英国学院成立于1982年,博彩网址大全学院在尼塞戈校区的入学率最高(180人). 1983年,中部州学院和中学协会授予该学院全面认证, 1987年,为了纪念艾伦·曼富索,学院设立了首个全额奖学金. 对学院发展同样重要的是1979年至1993年间完成的建筑项目:1980年的MacKenzie House(纪念受托人Ian MacKenzie), 伊莱恩和约翰·斯坦贝克媒体中心(1980), an art studio (1982), 班克罗夫特-菲尼体育馆的音乐教室(1983年), two faculty houses (1984), 扩建到上层宿舍和高级小屋(1985年), 三浦堂男生宿舍与相邻的教师宿舍,随着Wm的完工和奉献. 特纳·休梅克剧院(Turner Shoemaker Theater)(向博彩网址大全长期担任戏剧导演的致敬), mathematics chair, and chaplain) in 1987.
In 1989, Lawrence Hall, a mathematics/sciences building honoring Trustee A. Brewster Lawrence was built and in 1990 the Joan Plimpton Mackinnon Library Wing was completed. 在20世纪80年代,学校的体育项目增加了许多运动项目,体育设施也得到了扩展,增加了一个棒球场(1980年), four tennis courts (1985), and a new riding ring (1988).
1994 – 2004
学院百年校庆前的十年, represented a period of evaluation and evolution. Fine and performing arts continued to flourish, the riding program housed in the Phebe T. 菲利普斯马术中心仍然很强大,学校继续利用纽约市的文化产品,经常去听交响乐, 芭蕾舞, 歌剧, Broadway theaters, museums and art galleries. When Clifford Eriksen stepped down in 2000, 副校长迈克尔·埃斯滕被任命为校长.
任职期间,Michael Esten(波士顿大学文学学士,工商管理硕士).W. 为了满足21世纪教育的需求,在波斯特的监督下,学院发生了重大变化st 世纪. He strove to raise the faculty’s awareness of the need for professional development, stepped up constituent outreach, initiated the School’s student advisor program, 倡导学术课程的改进, 并在年级之间创造了更多的区别. 在奥. Esten’s departure in 2002, F. Graham 棕色(的) was named Interim Head of School, and then Head of School the following year. 他在三所不同的K-12学校担任校长16年后退休来到博彩网址大全.
Mr. 布朗立即着手为学校注入活力, 与校董会合作制定策略计划, “Preparing the Next Generation.” Central to this plan was a revised 任务, Purpose and Philosophy and 核心价值观 that permeate all aspects of School life. 在奥. 棕色(的), a sixth grade was added along with a more clearly defined Middle and 上学校, a summer camp was established, 成立了一个家长协会,并发起了一项重大的资本运动,为关键的改进和升级提供资金.
2004 – 2014
In the fall of 2004, Mr. 棕色(的) announced his intention to re-retire. Shortly t在这里after, David B. 斯蒂芬斯(B.S. Hobart College, M.S. 雪城大学(Syracuse University)被任命为校长. 当大卫·斯蒂芬斯在2005年夏天开始他的研究时, 他给博彩网址大全带来了独立学校教育的强大背景和对学校历史和传统的热爱. Dedicated to academic excellence, 他和他的行政部门一起重组了学术项目. Under his guidance, the lower level of Bancroft Phinney Hall had a major renovation adding locker rooms, offices and classrooms, 比如E. Janice Zingale Music Room. 校园里的其他设施也得到了改善,霍顿日光浴室里建立了一个画廊,展示博彩网址大全学生和来自社区的来访艺术家的作品. 2008年,. Stephens left Knox and George K. 埃里森(.B. 密苏里州联合学院.A. 三一学院), 谁是克利福德·埃里克森1976 -1985年间的副校长, returned as Headmaster, 他推迟了和妻子露西的退休计划。在乔治担任宾夕法尼亚州珀基门学校校长的23年里,他取得了极大的成功.
George Allison’s love for Knox was evident from the moment he stepped back onto the campus. He immediately set to work improving facilities, updating technology and installing computers and Promethean ActivBoards in all classrooms. He re-energized the Offices of 招生, Development and Alumni Affairs and strengthened a faltering 家长s’ Association, holding regular meetings in his home. Also through his initiative, the “Semper ad Lucem” Chapter of the National Honor Society was established at Knox. 乔治·艾利森对当地社区的参与, 他在私立学校的地位, and his participation in various conferences around the world helped to raise awareness of Knox. 除了, his outreach to alumni, 家长和朋友们支持尼佩小屋的扩建,以提供更多的学生和教师住房. Under his direction, 学校向城镇和村庄提交了一份申请,要求批准在石溪港建造一条70英尺的“t型台”,以支持营地项目和博彩网址大全船员. 随着长期的董事会成员从董事会过渡,Mr. 艾利森用学院的校友填补了这些空缺. In accepting the position of Headmaster, 乔治·艾利森的目标是“纠正博彩网址大全号好船”。, 在二十一世纪的第二个十年中,保留过去的精华,引导学院发挥其巨大的潜力. He made notable progress in all areas while leading Knox “Always Toward the Light.”
After George Allison’s retirement, Thad Gaebelein became 博彩网址大全学校’s new Headmaster. An Army officer, Mr. 盖贝林曾在西点军校教授军事历史,并在美国商船学院担任道德与品格发展主任. He had also served as the former Headmaster of The Stony Brook School prior to joining Knox. Under his direction the dedication of Eriksen Hall had taken place to honor Clifford Eriksen. 学校还参与了一些项目,如建造温室和成为社区慈善工作的一部分.
In 2014, 前博彩网址大全科学老师和夏季探险项目主任, Kristen Tillona-Baker, returned to Knox’s home beside the shore to assume a new role as Head of School. 在她的领导下,作为一所独立学校,博彩网址大全在每个重要方面都呈指数级增长. 她重组和重建了学校的行政团队, establishing a strong leadership culture. During her first year as Head, 夫人. 蒂洛娜-贝克概述了“2020愿景”,这成为她未来七年工作的蓝图. Guided by this strategic plan, she spearheaded such improvements as the addition of a state-of-the-art STEM lab, a fully equipped computer lab, and the revitalization of the Equestrian Program. 在此期间, the sports program grew significantly making Knox a competitive school in crew, 马术, 篮球, 和足球. More recently, 夫人. 蒂洛娜-贝克和她的行政团队成功地带领学院度过了前所未有的新冠肺炎大流行时期, 她富有洞察力的领导能力给了工作人员继续教育博彩网址大全学生的信心,同时在未知的领域进行导航. 在监督博彩网址大全公司七年的发展和扩张之后, 她在博彩网址大全校区的学校和马萨诸塞州的家之间往返, 夫人. 蒂洛娜-贝克决定,是时候从校长的位置上退下来,在离家乡更近的地方从事非营利工作了. 长期担任学校助理校长的Virginia Riccardi于2021年被任命为新校长.
夫人. 里卡尔迪在教育和学校有着悠久的历史. 她拥有哥伦比亚大学师范学院的硕士学位, w在这里 she was a student in the Carnegie Mellon Fellows in Education Program. 她在自由港公立学区教中学,在加入博彩网址大全团队之前是一家教育传播公司的客户主管. She began her career at 博彩网址大全学校 in 2011 as Assistant Director of Development. In her first year, 她超额完成了学校的年度筹款目标,并重新建立了与多年来一直不活跃的独立学校招聘人员和中介机构的关系. During her second year at Knox, 夫人. 里卡尔迪在她的职位上加上了英语系主任. 她在课程中建立了严谨性和相关性, 这提高了学生的高考成绩,并继续为学生提供必要的技能,以满足大学写作的要求. As Assistant Head of School, 夫人. Riccardi was highly involved with the successful day-to-day 歌剧tions of the School, traveled overseas for admissions and recruitment, and introduced the School’s first-ever dual enrollment for college credit courses. 她坚实的学术基础和对领导力发展的承诺建立了一种员工文化,包括对学院及其使命的忠诚.